Nordic Combined: Fusing Power, Precision, and Grit

Nordic Combined fuses power, precision, and grit into one of the original extreme sports. It’s a sport of unparalleled extremes: one part strength and endurance, one part adrenaline and physics, and one part precision and mental fortitude. Imagine running a marathon and then immediately throwing a knock-out punch while balancing precariously on a tightrope, legs already fatigued and shaky. Nordic Combined athletes must be strong, fast, precise, and fearless in this one-day winter duathlon.

This unique sport blends the disciplines of ski jumping and cross-country skiing into a breathtaking display of athleticism and endurance. Athletes hurl themselves off towering ski jumps, soaring through the air with a mix of grace and daring that few sports can match. The heart-pounding descent is followed by a seamless transition to the grueling cross-country ski segment, where competitors push themselves to the limit over vast distances and challenging terrain. Each event is a test not only of physical prowess but also mental fortitude, as athletes navigate the highs of flight and the demanding lows of endurance racing.

Nordic Combined is the very definition of an extreme sport, and the athletes who compete are nothing short of hard-core. If you like a thrill and want to watch amazing raw talent, then follow—and support—Nordic Combined and experience the excitement of this 100-year-old sport of extremes.

Watch: A Look at Nordic Combined